[Gambar]: Melaka Monorail

Assalamualaikum w.b.t da salam 1 malaysia buat semua pengunjung setia blog ini..InsyAllah, saya akan sentiasa berkongsi apa saja maklumat terkini, baru dan lama tentang apa saja yang agak menarik dan tidak menarik untuk anda semua..hehehe..

Malaka maju 2010..Tahniah Melaka..Melaka memang layak untuk mendapat title tersebut pada pendapat saya..Semakin hari, semakin banyak pembangunan di Melaka..Selepas Menara Taming Sari, muncul pulan eye on Melaka..Tapi eye on MElaka sudah dibuang dari tempat asal..Mengikut kata2 menteri besarnya, Melaka akan beli satu lagi eye on Melaka lagi besar pada yang dulu dari buatan China..Tempat yang akn diletak juga berlainan..tapi dari china kualiti ke?

Lepas semua tu, semalam ada pulak terdengar Melaka Monoril pulak..Mantap la melaka..Sebelum ni dekat MAlaysia hanya ada di Kuala LUmpur saja..Tapi kini melaka sudah ada..Lepas ni mungkin Pulau Pinang..Pastu JOhor..Pastu Kedah pulak..hehehe..Kedah tu macam tidak je..huhu..Ape2 pon, banyak persoalan yang disuarakan tentang Monorail Melaka ni..

Kalau diikutkan gambar banner tu, bentuknya agak lain seperti yang telah ada sekrang..Melaka Monorail nampak lebh comel la..Nampak macam tak kualiti pon ade..Maksud saya, tiang untuk Melaka Monorail kelihatan tak berapa Kukuh..Macam tak cukup makan je..Kalau macam dalam gambar tu, memang nampak seperti KL punya Monorail...tak pun perancangan asal dah ditukar? BAdget lari ke? tak pon ape?huhuh..
Ape2 pon, jgn sampai ada banyak nyawa yang terkorban sudah..

Berikut adalah petikan daripada paper tentang projek ini:

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 (Bernama) - The RM500 million Melaka Aerorail Transit System, which is set to boost the state's tourism industry, is expected to kick off in the second quarter of 2010.

The Aerorail system in Melaka will be built, operated and managed by Pyramid Express Sdn Bhd, with the help of Aerobus International from Houston, United States.

Pyramid Managing Director Datuk Lim Sue Beng said the company would roll out the first phase of the Aerorail Transit System after several amendments are made to the original plan.

"We are in the midst of amending the plan which received initial objection from the public. We hope to re-submit the amended plan to the Melaka City Council by year-end," he told Bernama in a telephone interview Thursday.
kalau cmni baru cantik..huh

The development plan includes the construction of structures, stations, the Aerorail depot, hotel, service apartments and others.

Lim said under the first phase, which is expected to be completed in three years, a route covering 6.8 kilometres in length, seven stations and a depot would be constructed.

"The second phase of the project, covering 7.5 kilometres in length and costing RM1 billion, is expected to begin in 2013. At every station, there will be mixed development of RM1.5 billion including hotel and service apartments.

"We will sell our service apartments. We are expecting a return on investment through the sale of the mixed development within 10 years," he added.

Among the 10 stations identified were the Tun Ali station (town central), Chempaka station, Sentral station, Peringgit station, College station (close to Kolej Yayasan Melaka), MBMB station, MMU station, MITC station and the last station near Zoo Melaka.

Meanwhile, in a related development, Chief Minister Datuk Seri Mohd Ali Rustam said the project was expected to boost the business prospects for locals and become a tourist attraction for both local and foreign visitors.

He said the aerorail, one of its kind in the region, would not only reduce traffic congestion and pollution but also cater to the increasing tourist population to the state, which is expected to reach 13 million in 2010 from the 7.4 million last year.

"Melaka needs a better transport system. We don't want to experience what Kuala Lumpur is experiencing in traffic congestion.

"Besides, the city is experiencing significant tourist presence already. With the state's recognition as a world heritage city, the number of tourists visiting is expected to grow by leeps and bounds as more than 10 other projects are expected to come on stream by year-end.

"This will boost the tourism industry at large for next year," he told reporters here after launching Restress Kopitiam, Malaysia's first eco-concept restaurant, at Bandar Sunway



Semalam kalau baca paper, selepas 4 jam beroperasi, tiab2 Melaka Monorail ni berhenti..ada masalah ape pon tak tahu..Selepas 15minit, baru kesemua penumpang berjaya dikeluarkan dari gerabak tu..Mmmm...Awal2 start dah banyak masalah..harap lepas ni xde masalah lagi la yew..Jgn sampai nak ligan pembangunan, tetapi kualiti diabaikan..

OK..alayan je la gambar2 yang ada...Wasalam..

p/s: gambar sumber google


Rina Rossoneri said...

monorail kat kl ni pun selalu rosak,tayar terjatuh lah macam2 lah.. tp sy mmg takut naik monorail nih,dah lah relnya kat tgh2,mmg rasa xstabil pun naik..seb beklah monorail tu kat tgh2 bandar kl je,jd jarang naik

Ken Wooi said...

melaka pun ada monorail? cool :)

Anonymous said...

Pengkritik bebas:

Keciknya support pillar monorail melaka ni.. harap2 kualiti buatan setanding yg ada dekat KL.. huhu.. dah kira ke bila ROI utk semua investment ni or just buat suka suki? maklumlah DUIT KERAJAAN.. apa lu sibuk.. haha.. hope takda yg amik kesempatana ke atas projek ni.. nnt dah jadi something wrong, masing2 tunding jari sana sini.. tgk la stadium terengganu yg runtuh tu.. sapa nak betanggungjawab?? duit sapa yg rugi kalau bukan duit RAKYAT.. hermm..

hans said...

tiba2 rasa nak balik melaka sebab nak naik benda nih

P/S : Bila Ego Setinggi Langit Memang Akan Jadi Susah Untuk Mengaku Kelemahan Diri

suffer8zine said...

menakutkan je, fuhhh.

Kasi Pecah! : http://goo.gl/TOwP

cacing said...

benda baru biasalah bnyk masalah... terus kan sokongan....

shada wentz said...

saya tak penah smpai melaka.sian2.

Anonymous said...

wow tp mcm seram je sbb kecik sgt laluan die...rasenye besa gak kt kl punye!!!!!!!!! cube tgk n banding!!! huhuhseram!

themalin said...

fuhyooo sronok nih!! hee :D eyh betol ke monorail kat kl tuh ade mcm2 kerosakn??? wah tkot ni.. dah la selalu naek :(

Sophie Al-Yahya said...

wow,,,tak sabar nak try..tp cam takut jgk.hekhekk..

www.dunialandax.com said...

aku x dan lagi nak nek~huhuhyu~harap lalu je la..sebabnya stesen dia dia buat kat taman rempah~so,tourist jer yang slaloo dtg situ nak naik Rivercruise skali~

bile agaknya ali rustam nak buat kat bandar~senang sket~emm

BENA said...

wow!!! hari tu g melaka xsem[at nk posing2. rugiiii~ huhuhu~

ctpayong said...

tahniah! tahniah! takdelah sesak sgt bila jalan-jalan di melaka.

Anonymous said...

salam.sekadar ingatan kpd blogger ksygn,tuan punya gambar ke-4 sdg dalam proses memfailkan saman keatas sesiapa shj yang menggunakan gambar miliknya tanpa kebenaran.blog u merupakan salah 1 yang termasuk dlm list kerana tuan punya gambar dah google semua blog yang berkeywordkan monorail melaka.i rasa u patot say sorry kpd owner pic tu sbb owner tu tau pic monorail dia top10 dlm list google images.2 mmg dia pny sbb nmpk tingkap bilik dia.just 2 let u know sbb kdg2 kita xsdr bila buat silap dlm dunia teknologi.

keep on blogging btw.:)

ApaKhabar said...

Kena ada anak polis cedera atau anak Tun, Tan Sri cedera dek monorel ni baru akan ditingkatkan kualitinya.

Monorel Cap Ayam ?